Higra tutorial
Higra is a hierarchical graph analysis library.
The tutorial can be done
online with Google Colab (you just need a Google account, no paid plan needed) on your machine with a local installation of Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 (amd64).
In this second case, you can make sure you have a working environment by installing the packages specified in the attached
requirements.txt file. This can be done with the following command (in a shell with the python environment variables properly initialized):
$> pip install -r requirements.txtIf you are using an
Anaconda distribution for Python, you can create a properly configured conda environment with the attached
environment.yml file:
$> conda env create -f environment.ymlThen you activate the environment
$> conda activate tutohigra
News: higra can now be installed with conda. Notably, macOS ARM64 is currently only supported through conda conda install higra -c conda-forge.
If your are on ARM64, you should install higra using conda, and not with pip as currently done in the environment.yml or in the requirements.txt.
Whether you are using pip or conda, you can check that the installation was successful by running Jupyter notebook:
$> jupyter notebook
The notebooks used in the tutorial are available by clicking on the name (Intro, Connected filters or Hierarchical segmentation), while the data is available in thisattached file (but the data file should not be needed, it is contained in the notebooks)
Colab users can use the following links: