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Employment experience

Since 2007
Université Gustave-Eiffel - ESIEE Paris
Professor - Computer Science and Image Processing

Since 2022

Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge
A3SI Team leader

Since 2020
Elected member, Board of directors, Université Gustave Eiffel

Since 2012

VP Comunication of the Laboratoire d'excellence Bézout.


Vice-President (directeur adjoint) of the ISBS Bio-Engineering school.
Deputy director - Computer Science Department. ESIEE Paris 


Appointed member, Local Scientific Council, UFR Math–Info, Université Paris-Descarte


Visiting Scientist - Geometric Image Processing Laboratory
Computer Science Faculty - Technion, Israel Institute of Technology


Associate professor
Computer Science and Image Processing


Océ Print Logic Technologies - Paris
Senior Scientist - Coach
Market: Digital Document Processing
Recruitment, training, animation and team leadership.
  • Building of a R&D team dedicated to document image processing.
  • Three patents in three years.
  • Lobbying and partnership negotiations involving several Océ subsidiaries (France, Netherlands, Germany and USA).
  • Management of technological transfer partnership (Universities, Engineering schools...)
  • In charge of public relations (conferences, publications, etc.)
  • Change management: methodologies for rapid prototyping and for automated testing.


ArSciMed (now Animation Science) - Paris - Boston - San Francisco
Director of Research & Development, member of the board
Market: computer graphics and scientific visualisation (fluid mechanics, optical computation)

Recruitment, training, animation and team leadership.

  • Building of a R & D team
  • In charge of product plans, jointly with Marketing.
  • R&D team organization (12 p.)
  • Technical partnership negotiations (4M$) (Microsoft/Softimage, AutoDesk/Kinetix, PTC, IBM, Autoliv, ANVAR, CNC...)
  • Development of the " Particle System" technology, the basis for creating the ArSciMed products.
  • Prizes obtained :
    • European Information Technology Prize 1997 awarded by the European Commission (Esprit programme) and by the European Council for Applied Science and Engineering.
    • Hottest Products of the Year 1996 awarded by the Computer Graphics World journal.
    • Technological Enterprise Award 1995, by the Ile-de-France Regional Council.

Thomson-CSF (now THALES) – Central Research Laboratory.- Paris
Research engineer
  • Contribution to the "Automatic identification air-air" project (automatic identification of airplane in-flight positions, 30 man-years, DGA/DRET) : study of infrared image segmentation.
  • Development of an Image Analysis SDK. This code is built-in to the "Saphir" software, a commercial product aimed at numerical geography.
  • Development of a software kernel aimed at face recognition.


Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches: Computer Sciences.
"Mathematical Morphology, dynamical systems and application to image processing".
University Marne-la-Vallée.

Science Ph.D.: Applied Mathematics. "Mathematical Morphology : From Images segmentation to Set-Valued Analysis". Received with the award panel’s special congratulations.
University Paris-Dauphine.
Engineering Degree from the Ecole des Mines de Paris (Control Theory Option).
Master (DEA) degree in Artificial Intelligence and Shape Recognition.
University Paris-Dauphine.


Master in Mathematical Engineering. Modelling and Scientific Computing Option.
Summa cum Laude. – University Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6.
Master in Mathematics and Fundamental Applications. Majoring in Mechanics.
Summa cum Laude. – University Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6.


Specific skills

Numerous publications (IEEE PAMI, J. Math. Anal. & Appl., etc)Patent applications.

C, C++, Visual C++, OpenGL, X/Motif, lex/yacc, LISP, FORTRAN, tcltk, python.
UML, eXtreme Programming.
System Administrator level under UNIX and Windows NT

French mother tongue; fluent English.

Teaching a Control Theory Training for the Ecole des Mines de Paris.
Associated researcher with the A2SI laboratory of the ESIEE engineering scholl.

Scientific life
Reviewer for international Journal and Conferences (IEEE PAMI, CVIU...)
Co-organizer of ISMM 2005, the 7th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology
Member of Organizing Comitee of CFD 2002, the first federative conference on document in French language
Member of CIFED 2002 Program Comittee
Member of Ph.D. Juries

In charge of communication for the Ligue Ile-de-France d'aikido FFAB
Aikido professor (4th Dan, professeur diplômé d'état).
Aikido is an oriental personal development method.
President and founder of Les Deux Spirales - An association dedicated to researching links between Noh Theater and Martial arts, in particular Dayto Ryu Aïki jyu-jistu.